Meet The Chelsea Approved Founders


Anyone that says you shouldn’t play with your food clearly doesn’t love homemade baked goods as much as we do!


Chelsea Austin

Chelsea is a Registered Dietitian who is passionate about counseling people through diet and lifestyle changes. She is a patient herself, living with Crohn’s Disease, so she brings a unique and understanding perspective to every counseling session.

Outside of her career, Chelsea is an adventurous person who enjoys traveling and doing outdoor activities. She has driven across the country twice, visiting many National Parks along the way, and plans to eventually see them all! When she is not exploring other parts of the country, she enjoys mountain biking in the summer and downhill skiing in the winter in her home state of Vermont.

Chelsea’s favorite product is the Chocolate Chip Cookies!

Emily Austin

A native Vermonter, Emily has always loved the state and stayed local for both her education and her professional career. As a very active person, Emily enjoys many outdoor activities throughout the different seasons: hiking, running, and biking during the summer, cross country skiing during the winter, and rock climbing all year round. On a rainy, cold day, Emily can be found at home reading a book with 2 cats on her lap.

Emily is also passionate about the community, and is on the Board of 2 non-profit organizations in VT.

CHELSEA APPROVED combined Emily’s passion for alternative cooking with her love for cookies!

Emily loves the Snickerdoodle Cookies!

Adam Bouchard

Adam is an analytical chemist with a career in manufacturing of food and beverage consumer packaged goods. At home, baking with a +/- 0.01g scale while using design of experiments to craft baked goods started long before CHELSEA APPROVED. The R+D process let Adam chase perfection by continuously removing ingredients and refining baking instructions to always strive for simplicity. 

He is focused on scaling the Chelsea Approved community by leading our donations to non-profits that match our mission and values. In Vermont, you will find Adam playing disc golf and rock climbing in the summer, and cross-country skiing through the winter. His sports are fueled by test batches of cookies for breakfast. 

Adam’s favorite product is the Banana Bread!